Latest Testimonials

"The horse is much better and jumping better after your manipulation, many thanks" - P.B.

"The treatment has certainly made all the difference to Dizzy as he is going 100% better, that terrible crooked canter is improving every time I school him." - Fiona

"How can we ever thank you enough for curing my dog Sam who really has suffered these last six months..Since your manipulation he has never looked back and is quite free of pain and starting to put back condition." - V W

"He is a different horse since your visit which is great. Really wants to use himself and jump which is terrific." - C.K

"The tingling in my fingers has been cured with your treatment." - D.R.

"Following your treatment in July I am happy to report a marked improvement in my back and my golf" - J.C.

"Hartley has been a different horse since Richard treated him and we are just waiting for the ground to ease before getting him back on the track." - T .F.